100 Messages
Rs.450 Rs.380
100 Messages
I can send you 100 messages and still won't feel ashamed -- If you never feel shy texting your buddy, get them this card on this Friendship Day to tell them how comfortable you're with them.
Rs.450 Rs.380
from Rs.715
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Dress like Racheal, Flirt like Joey, Sing like Phoebe, Joke like Chandler, Clean like Monica, Love like Ross--This notebook is for your Friend who loves FRIENDS season. On this Friendship day, surprise them with it and bring their interest...
from Rs.715
Rs.450 Rs.380
You're lucky to be the best friend of a gem--Get this card for your gem of a friend on this Friendship Day and make them laugh with your unique way of showing love.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Weigh You're
Rs.450 Rs.380
Weigh You're
I like you exactly the weigh you're--Get this cute card for your cute mate on this Friednship Day and make them know they are perfect the way they're.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Rs.450 Rs.380
I chair-ish your friendship--On this Friendship Day, get this card for the friend whose Friendship you cherish every day.
Rs.450 Rs.380
My Type
Rs.450 Rs.380
My Type
After meeting you, I got to know my type--Sometimes, after meeting someone, you get to know where you actually belonged to. Get this card on this Friendship Day for your type.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Not My Friend
Rs.450 Rs.380
Not My Friend
You're not just my friend, you're my best friend--Annoy them a little with this beautiful card on this Friendship Day.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Ill Save You
Rs.450 Rs.380
Ill Save You
You don't need superheroes my friend; I'll save you--It's alway the witty attitude that works with friends. Express to your friend on this Friendship Day you'll always be their superhero with this amazing card.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Pet Words
Rs.450 Rs.380
Pet Words
Dear Best Friend, Why do we have the same pet words?--If you and your friend keep adopting each other's pet words, get this amazing card for them on this Friendship Day to highlight the cute little things.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Don't Cheat
from Rs.715
Don't Cheat
Friends don't Cheat--Give this notebook to your friend on this Friendship Day and convey two meanings with one line.
from Rs.715
Potter Head
Is this you, Potter Head?--Get this super cute bookmark for your Potter Head friend on this Friendship Day and make them smile.
Dress like Racheal, Flirt like Joey, Sing like Phoebe, Joke like Chandler, Clean like Monica, Love like Ross--Love FRIENDS and your friends? Get this Friends Bookmark for your friends' group and make their Friendship Day memorable.
Time Please
I need time, please?--On this Friendship Day, tell your friend you need their time in a unique and cute way with this beautiful bookmark that conveys two meanings.
You need it for every time I distract your reading--If your friend loves to read books, nothing is better than a bookmark to gift them on this Friendship Day as mostly bookreaders love to collect bookmarks too.
Be-You-Tea-Full--Get this Be-You-Tea-Full mug for your beautiful friend who loves Tea and give them an indirect message of being 'Yourself', on this Friendship Day.
We vibin' always--Make your vibe stronger with your friend by getting this lovely mug for them on this Friendship Day.
No Distance
from Rs.1,200
No Distance
There's no distance that can make me distant from you.--Distances never matter if the bond is real. On this Friendship day, send this wall art to your friend who is far but closer to your heart to express it to...
from Rs.1,200
Same Joke
Rs.450 Rs.380
Same Joke
I love it how we can keep laughing at the same joke every time--With friends, every time the old joke becomes new. Get this card for your group of friends who are always enjoying time together and make more memories...
Rs.450 Rs.380
Light Up
Rs.450 Rs.380
Light Up
You light up my world like nobody else--Does your friend light up your world like nobody else? Get them this beautiful card on this Friendship Day and light their world.
Rs.450 Rs.380
My Phone
Rs.450 Rs.380
My Phone
My phone always has highest number of notifications from you--If your friend is always texting you, send them this card on this Friendship Day.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Pudding Up
Rs.450 Rs.380
Pudding Up
Thanks for always pudding up with me--Get this amazing card for your friend who is always dealing with your tantrums, express your love to them on this Friendship Day.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Carrot Live
Rs.450 Rs.380
Carrot Live
I carrot live without you, my best friend--If you think you cannot live without your buddy, tell them with this card on this Friendship Day and let them know their worth.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Rs.450 Rs.380
I can't make everyone Happy so I focus on your happiness alone--That's true, you can't make everyone happy so better focus on someone whom you can make happy. Get this card for that someone on this Friendship Day.
Rs.450 Rs.380
Hide the Corpse
Rs.450 Rs.380
Hide the Corpse
Even if you kill someone, I'll be the one giving you ideas to hide the corpse--You never judge friends no matter what. On this Friendship Day, get this card for your friend whom you'll support in every situation.
Rs.450 Rs.380
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